Stand alone on a separate server or on individual laptops for traveling. |
Access Via the internet using R.E.A.L. or R.E.A.L. “lite” |
Fully integrated to backend business server |
Real time tracking of sales information for CUSTOMERS and new business or PROSPECTS for new customer business. |
Maintain all needed information about the contact, how found, business collateral used, how many often contacted and how contacted (fax, mail, email or in person). For each effort log and track time spent and any associated cost (travel, meals, lodging or entertaining). Compare potential revenue to total time and expense. Who often are you closing business and what is the effort. |
Quote orders to a customer and covert when firm to a sales order with push of an update button. |
Quote orders to a prospect and when confirmed with a push of an update button convert the prospect to a customer and the quote to an order under the new customer. |
Track number of times quoted and reason for non order (when you add in the OHM QUOTATION and ESTIMATOR System). |
Tickle your follow up action plan. Escalate to a supervisor or manager or move action to a small level assistant. |
Document full detail notes with automatic time stamp of date, time your name. Then select follow up date if applicable and type of effort Phone, email etc and time of effort. Note as many lines of comment and details to the entry as needed. |
If using OHM’s full ERP backend server and accounting modules as expenses by effort are logged they can be auto setup for Accounts payable with first going through an approval process. |
Graphs and charts for visual feedback built in. |